MBT Exercise Shoes are not your normal, run-of-the-mill kind of footwear. It's a completely new sandal concept. The first ever physiological footwear. The MBT shoe trains muscles, relieves the strain on joints, improves posture and gait and even burns calories at every step and even while standing. These shoes have really been beneficial to a lot of people and are really starting to become popular. But to really get all the benefits out of this MBT Shoes, you need to know how to walk in them properly. Yes, there is a right way and a wrong way to walk in them. In this article, I will give you a brief rundown on how to walk in the MBT Exercise Shoe so that you get the most out of your new footwear.
When buying your MBT Exercise Shoe, make sure that you purchase a pair that have the correct fit. Make sure that your MBT's are tight on the heel, snug on the in-step and that they are comfortable around the toes. It is important that the heel is placed at the back of the footbed prior to fitting the straps of the swiss masai sandal.
Now that you have been properly fitted, the first step is to stand up. Easy enough, huh? It will probably feel a little ackward at first, which is normal. Can you feel how your muscles work and adjust as they respond to the natural instability under your feet? Now, before you start walking in your MBT Exercise Shoes, bring your body into a healthy, upright posture. The simplest way of accomplishing this is to breath in deeply while rolling your shoulders backwards. Now look forward, not at your feet, and start walking briskly, but in a relaxed manner.
With every step, try to land on the middle of the Masai sensor, which is towards the back of the sandal, and roll over the sole from heel to toe. Try to use slightly more pressure to the outside of the sole to prevent the foot from rolling inwards, also known as pronating. Your body will soon adjust to this natural active rolling movement. Take care that the strides you take in your MBT Shoes are not too long, and that your arms swing loosely beside your body. Are you starting to feel it?
Once you get used to the motions, start increasing your speed. Begin walking with quicker steps, progressing to a rolling jog trot. This kind of motion, somewhere in between a walk and jog, is what the people at Masai Barefoot Technology call "Floating" As you float, retain your upright stance and a natural rolling movement of your feet. A quick tip is to take care to not bring your knees up actively as you might when you are jogging. Rather, keep your legs loose.
After a short time, reduce your speed again. Decrease your tempo until you come to a complete stop. As mentioned before, breath in deeply and roll back your shoulders to bring your body back to an upright position. Keep your feet almost parallel and hip-width apart. Roll slowly from the heels to the toes and then back again in our MBT Exercise Shoes. Be aware of what is going on with your feet and do not bend them in or out, and keep your knees soft. The swinging motion should not be directed from the hips, but the foot joints. Get the feel of your feet, specifically the mid-sole. Feel it balancing and work on remaining balanced on the small raised part of the sandal. It's similar to the feeling of a sand hill under the arch of your foot. You have achieved an optimum stance in your MBT Exercise Shoes when the balancing area in your in-step is vertically aligned with your knees, hips, shoulders and ears.
I can honestly say, this takes practice. Keep working on it so that you can reap all the benefits of MBT walking sandals. Even when you have adapted to the MBT's, wearing them everyday, you can be confident that your body continues to be activated and working the muscles whenever you wear them.